Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Ice Ice Baby

Thursday is the big day. Thursday is my racing debut.

And I'm anxious. Very anxious. My brain is divided into two parts. There is the part that is excited and knows that I'm more than capable of completing this course in time, and without walking. It knows that I can do this with hills at an 11:00 pace. I do this distance twice a week. The other part is worrying. What if I forget to wear my running shoes? What if the wind from Lake Michigan undermines my clothing choices? What if I come in last? What if I have to poop?

So I put my trust in my training, in my Higher Power, and knowing someone has to come in last, but at least that someone finished.

All of this is going thru my head as I do a short run this morning. Which is sort of funny because I can now say 2.6 miles is a short run. Last January, that would have seemed daunting. I have some serious mileage ahead of me and my long runs don't even scare me any more. If I don't have early responsibilities, I should be running 10.5 miles and I'm looking forward to it.

The run itself was relatively uneventful. I went without music as headphones are discouraged at this Turkey Trot. I just needed to get used to listening to all the stuff racing thru my mind. I am very grateful I wasn't trying to do any sort of speed work. 1) The dog was a serial pee-er again. 2) Ice.
Ice is the runner's nemesis. While most of the sidewalks were clear, there was sneaky patches of ice. There was the skip of my heart when I felt the slippery footing underneath my Xodus GTX. Sometimes, whole sections were blatant ice rinks that required careful shuffling across. My time was slow, but it should be. The point of the run was to keep my legs loose for the race and not to try for a personal record.

I did find one thing out. Runkeeper is silent when I don't have my headphones plugged into it. I'll carry it with me so I can see my splits on Thursday. I am also considering running in this shirt. It might be funny, or might be out of place. I can't decide.

Tomorrow is yoga in the morning, pick up race packet after work, and aerial yoga in the evening. Maybe I should make a list of questions in hopes someone at the store can answer them and pick up some racing fuel for my long run. In yoga, I'll be focusing on my quads, hamstrings, achilles and hip flexors. I'll also be focusing on shushing my mind.

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