Thursday, December 10, 2015

Bend but Do Not Break

After the 18 miles on Saturday and Sunday, I’ve been taking it easy. My body has been less than thrilled over the past few days. I’ve also had a stressful few days, so I wanted to do a yoga class to compliment my aches and pains. We focused on hips both flexibility and opening. So many people come in with tight hips and have no idea until they go to a yoga class and try to do some of the hip stretches. We also focused on shoulders as responsibility and anxiety hangs out there. Aside from the stress, many of us are hunched over a computer for a good part of the day.

The regulars were there and offered no objection to my “playlist.” We also had a new person join us and she was a delight adding an ebullience to the class that only a new student can add. We twisted in new ways, pulled our body in directions not done before. It felt rather wonderful. We all came into the class with some frustrations with life and while in the fabric, we were refreshed to face the world.
After class, I stayed and worked on some moves I had found. Not so much new asanas but ways to move from on asana to another, linking the moves together in an organic manner. Working out problems with the fabrics helped me forget the ones I had outside the studio. Some of the moves worked out, some of them did not, some of them need more work. Such is life.

In the morning, I was less than thrilled to get up early but I knew if I did not, I would not be happy during the day. Running creates a greater calorie deficit which means I get to eat more. I am a much happier person when I get to eat more. Calories slip away very quickly like sand thru a chubby hourglass.

The run itself was hard. I can’t say I was expecting that. My legs didn’t loosen up until well into mile 2. The dog was very into this run, straining to go faster. I added 2 big hills to the run. Running theory says that this will make me run faster. I don’t like hills. I don’t like them walking and I do not like them running either. This makes me think I might need to do more hills and or rolling trails. I didn’t like running when I started either.

I was only running 3 miles this morning so I was very thankful to find some release and relief at mile 2. Part of me was afraid I had burned myself out like a greyhound with this silly 13.1 mile business. We were doing very well in the last mile, really pushing. I was hoping for a lower 10:00 mile and then we had to go past a few people, wait for a bus, and the arch nemesis. Not mine, the dog’s. These two dogs have hated each other since we moved in. Dog was very upset the other dog dare cross paths with us. She very nearly pulled the leash right out of my hands. As soon as we passed them, crossing thru yards, all was well with the world. She huffed and kept running forward in a straight line.

My time was very slow this morning. Hills didn’t help but my legs didn’t really cooperate here either. And I dressed too warm which is an odd thing to say in near winter but very true. It was 40 degrees out. I had worn a shirt, light fleece jacket and light fleece leggings. I was much too warm and very much feeling where the fabric had rubbed last night in aerial yoga. Maybe I should use BodyGlide when I am in the fabrics, less fabric burn. Many things to consider.

Hopefully, some speed intervals tomorrow. No long run this weekend. Family life requires my time.

Also, shout out to the a blog I look forward to following after finding this entry  about what it's like to start running. She first caught my interest with this meme.

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