Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Half Marathons for Fun. No, Seriously.

I have only a single run to talk about today. One lonely 13 miler. I was hoping to have at least another 6.5 miler and maybe even a 3 miler, but I was struck down. Struck down by a stomach bug. I’ve run with head colds, mild chest colds, autoimmune flares but the stomach bug got me. I figured the jiggling wasn’t helpful to the nausea.

The good news is that I managed to get in thirteen miles before being knocked on my butt. They were a hard won thirteen miles. I did also take 5 min off my previous time. It was also my longest distance by a .01 mile or so. I had no thoughts of trying to keep going for a mile 14.

We slept in until five. It seemed late and early all at once. The dog was very excited to go out and there was lots of huffing while I decided which layers to wear. My phone told me it as 21 degrees out. Cold. Donned in compression pants, fleece leggings, fleece hoodie, fleece ½ zip, and light jacket, I grabbed my headband and music and leash, and headed out. My feet were a little sore starting out so I went with my trail shoes for added support.

Warming up was tiring. The wind buffeted me as I headed south. I just reminded me that this might just give me a tailwind on the way back. The first two miles were slow. Those are the argument phase miles. Why am I up? I’m crazy, right? When is this supposed to be fun? You know, you could be sleeping now. Maybe that’s why I like going the longer distances. Maybe that’s why a 5k seems too short. I would only have a mile, mile and a half to enjoy it. I need to run thru a 5k to hit something close to enjoyment.
I didn’t really scout my route and it was dark so I didn’t want to go the same route I did with the 10 miler from the previous weekend. I paused a few times to check the map and make sure I was going in the right direction. One road I was on, abruptly ended on a curve. I wasn’t sure if I was facing west or north, or someplace inbetween. These occasions led to “screw it” moments and I headed off in the direction I hoped was north-and was. I was pushing myself for this run. I wanted better than my last 13 miles.

The sense of adventure, running in only somewhat known territory, distracted me from my legs. They felt tired this whole run. I did not get much reprieve. And yet, I was ok with it. There was no panic. There was no fear or desire to call the fiancĂ© to pick me up from I don’t know where. I had an acceptance of the discomfort. I surrendered to it. I am a runner and suck is part of it.

Part of the reason I run early is for the sunrise. It feels very special to see it come up, empowering. 

This sunrise did not disappoint either.

This whole run was rough but I enjoyed it. The dog did too for the most part. I think a few parts she wished she could be off leash. My time was improved from my first run. The weather was nice, though my water bottle started to freeze. The GU sat well, and I could feel it pick me up at the 4.5 mile marks. Despite doing a little trailblazing, I saw some nice parts of where I live and after looking at the map, I found where I can continue  with more trail and scenery.

This girl can run half marathons. Who knew?

Sunday was a different matter. Sunday I woke up with a nasty bug with body aches and firey skin. And I can live with that but it settled in my stomach. While I never barfed, it was close. Monday I was sick too, staying home from work, but made myself feel better by signing up for a race in my hometown. It’s a flat 5k consisting of two loops around the Fox River Parkway. Later in the morning, my friend will be doing ice carving for the yoga studio. It should be a fun day. I’m a little nervous as I am usually so slow in the beginning. I just need to remember that this is supposed to be fun and I’m still a newbie. Today, still no run. Probably, no run tomorrow either, but hopefully, some aerial yoga.

Dog kept me company on the couch yesterday

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