Friday, March 4, 2016

Running Humor

Lucky me. Just as I sign up for a half marathon, I get a nasty head cold.

So we had yoga and it was nice and fun and we had two new people and two regulars. We all had fun. It was a very relaxing class as I was starting to come down with this cold. No selfies after, Just wanted to get back to my bed and an alka-seltzer cold and flu.

So I don't want to leave you hanging and found some fun running memes. Hope you enjoy and have a great Friday.

This is still true even today

If I don't get to use the dog as an excuse, this is a great one for a early evening

Chafing where you didn't even know you could chafe there

oh yes, so true

We tell ourselves this over and over again

I might be getting carried away here but there are so many good memes. Runners are a funny group. When we get our runs in

And lastly, a few from the Harry Potter Fandom

That's it for now. Hope you all have a good weekend. Running helps you live longer. So does laughing, So if you can't run, laugh. 


  1. I don't know if you have ever seen this - but if not - it is hilarious. Keep it for when you are ready to run a marathon. :)

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