Thursday, January 21, 2016

Falling Back into a Habit

I’m glowing

Yoga last night was so chill and fun. Girls Hanging Out. Maybe that’s what my class should actually be called. Indie music, getting things off our chest and sharing the joy. All while doing low aerial yoga. We focused some on the middle of the back and neck. Class flew by. I felt so peaceful afterward. I can’t be more grateful to have this outlet and such great people to help in their yoga practice.

And I ran this morning. Part of me was trying to make excuses. It had been a while and I was out of the habit. Once you are out of the habit of running at 4am, it’s really hard to convince yourself that it’s a good idea again. I took out my new Brooks for a test drive. I should have worn another layer on my legs. I’m still a little chilled on my thighs.

The dog was very excited to be out and running. She bounded from snowbanks to roads, looking back at me with a big smile on her face. I was criticized earlier this week about subjecting my dog to the stresses of running. This person obviously never owned a border collie mix. There was no subjecting here, she was loving every second of this..

My finish at the 5k convinced me to push a little harder. If I could run that fast for a 5k, what was another mile? I turned it up a notch. I ran to the beats of LMAFO and other fun party music. I needed music with energy to carry me thru. There was no Gu involved; this was a fasted run. Runkeeper kept telling me my pace was in the 13:00 range. I pushed a little harder. Then, 8:00. I had no idea how fast I was going. Taking out the first mile with all the potty breaks for the dog, my pace was 11:30. My shoes felt great. At first, they felt strange but by the end of the run, I could appreciate the extra cushion.

The streets were empty. The air felt nearly warm after the below zero temps. The wind was minimal. It was definitely cold. I put my hands in my shirt’s mittens. I felt the air cut thru my fleece running leggings. There was a sense of peace even though the music was energetic. The breath came a little harder but I didn’t fight it. My legs were tired after we turned around and my brain asked for Gu and then whined that I didn’t have any. But my mind, my mind was ecstatic. I had been missing my outdoor runs. The treadmill is a great tool but it cannot replace an early morning run. It can’t replace the camaraderie of the early birds.

A cop passed me on the road. I was wondering if I was going to get a ticket for not being on the sidewalk. But we are a bit of a running community and I think there is an understanding so long as we don’t impede traffic, and I usually only run on the road when I’m on a side street. I pictured him pulling over and calling to me as I approached. In my head, I wondered if it would be bad form to pause my Garmin and Runkeeper. He passed and I was left with alone with my dog.

It’s funny. I had no idea I was missing the morning runs as much as I was until I did it. When I went out, I felt at home and at peace in a way I don’t anywhere else, not even in the hammock during yoga. I hope that the weather cooperates and stays above zero and I can keep doing my outside runs.

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