Friday, February 26, 2016

Another Friday Post

Hello again.

Where did I leave off? Friday I slept. No yoga.

Saturday I had a great run. I went 7 miles and I was literally dripping sweat. It was wonderful.
I did it on a treadmill finishing Jessica Jones and starting up Daredevil. The first few miles, as usual, were hard. My internal dialogue was urging me to stop. It takes time for me to settle into a run, time for my brain to disconnect from my legs. Running is a mental game. While it is technically natural, if you aren’t used it to it, it’s hard. And uncomfortable. It’s normal to want to stop. Then, comes the time when you accept the feelings and your breathing comes easier. Your body stops fighting and sinks into the run. That’s what I wait for. That’s when the run becomes enjoyable.

People ran next to me and moved on to the next thing. They all ran faster than me. There were a couple of ladies who ran at 8.5 miles per hour. They ran for about twenty minutes. Another guy ran at a steady 7 mph. Runkeeper said I ran an average or 5.26 mph. I played with my pace, varying from a speedy walk to 7 mph. The faster paces are becoming easier.

Looking back at this month, it appears I’ve had a little burn out. I asked runners on MyFitnessPal what to do. Because I do really love running, but I’ve only had a few runs. They suggested sign up for a race. One of my yoga students mentioned that she was doing a 5k in Door County. I looked at the website and realized they also have a half marathon. Could this be my race? Could I convince my other half that we should take a weekend trip just so I can run? The answer to both questions is Yes! After I post this blog I’ll be registering and reserving a room. Come March, I’ll be in training to run 13.1 miles thru Penninsula State Park.

Tuesday, I made the sloppy joes from the Runners Cookbook. They were delicious. The recipe called from some interesting ingredients like maple syrup and apple juice. It was easy to make and I would definitely make them again. My fiance agrees that this should be part of our list of recipes to try again. 

Wednesday, we had yoga. I had an awesome new student who didn’t even complain once about the fabric. The regulars and I had a regular class and the new student kept up with us. We stretched and massaged our mid-sections per a request. We chatted about our lives and leave it all behind.
I’m so grateful to have found yoga and running. It lets me get into my head and work thru it all and come thru the other side so much more at peace. The hamster wheel in my head slows down.

Yoga tonight. Bridesmaids get fitted for their dresses tomorrow. I get fitted for my wedding band tomorrow. Seems like a good weekend. 

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