Friday, April 22, 2016

Keep Moving

The weekend is nearly here. It was a long week.

I’m so glad to have a way to let things go. Between running and aerial yoga, there is a lot of peace to be gained.

This past weekend was my bachelorette party. Lots of love and lush Saturday. Sunday was a do nothing day. I think it was wise not to push and to recover from a once in a lifetime party/girls night out. I spent most of my day on the couch with saltines and sipping soda. Hung out with the dog, and Karn the Dragon. We also have a new friend. He has no name as of yet other than Dumpy, which is the kind of frog he is.



New Buddy

I ran Tuesday and Wednesday. I’ve been tired. And I’ve been slacking. I went to the gym and went for some good runs. Both these runs have been tough. I feel like I just can’t catch my breath. My legs are tired from the start and never wake up. Nothing has changed. But I’m struggling. A few other times, I’ve had these runs, the kind you just suck it up and do it. I could quit but really there is nothing wrong with me other than being tired. No reason to quit, just to keep going.

I really need to keep going. I’ve gotten two emails from the administrators of the Door County Half Marathon, including the one with the list of places to get my pasta the night before and a sneak peek at our shirts. Part of me is hoping I can snag a short sleeve version of the shirts for the 5k. The long sleeve shirt will not get a lot of wear with the seasons starting to change. I’m anxious and excited for the race and the trip up to Door County. We used to go there with my fiance’s family. It’s a wonderfully quiet place. The scenery is stunning and the food is even better. There is a fudge store in Fish Creek that is a required stop.

Anyways, Wednesday night I taught a class where is stayed in the fabric as much as possible. Fabric kept us warm in the chilly studio. We stretched out the quads and hamstrings, hitting all the basic poses. It was a small class.

Tonight I will be teaching at least 2 classes and maybe a third. We have some student teachers in house and a Girl Scout party. Beginners are always fun. Especially when we have a person who’s heart falls in love with this practice on the spot. And I’ve another class tomorrow. Subbing is a great way to meet new students and to grow in my own practice. Different students help me stretch my practice in different ways. It helps me learn new cues to give students and each student learns differently.

And I’ve got to run. May 7th will come way too quickly.

The fudge better be worth it

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